This morning, I watched my 10-month-old daughter do her “I-am-training-to-walk” routine. Holding on to the side of her pack-and-play, she would lower to the mat and then pull herself up into the standing position. Occasionally, she would let go of one hand trying to grab a toy and keep her balance at the same time. She tumbled and cried for help a few times, but she kept doing the routine over and over again. She practiced.
Practice is what we do in law school. It’s practice before the actual practice of law. We need the persistence of a baby to master the profession despite setbacks, disappointing grades, stressful schedules, strained relationships. George Leonard in his book Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment writes that people who are masters in their fields love to practice: “Mastery is staying on the path.” So, hang in there! Persistence is all you need to practice. And rest assured that you have it in you – you were a baby once.