Nobody expects to be able to run a marathon without a proper training. The training program is usually quite comprehensive, including, among other things, a mileage buildup schedule, choosing the right equipment, injury prevention techniques, proper nutrition, stretching and weight training, mental conditioning. While people seem to accept the holistic nature of the marathon training, many still struggle to embrace the holistic approach towards learning, in part, because the mainstream traditional education has long considered cognitive thinking as the dominant component of learning. However, there is more to effective learning than the intellectual competence according to an article entitled Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better, brought to my attention by The learning is discussed from several angles, such as: health, balance, perspective and focus, recall techniques, visual aids, verbal and auditory techniques, kinesthetic techniques, self-motivation and others. Are you ready to train for the “life-changing knowledge”?