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January 16, 2007


Jeff Hess

Shalom Anastasia,

I developed the habit of fast-forwarding when I'm reading non-fiction.

At 2X speed I'm scanning whole paragraphs.
At 4X speed I'm only reading topic sentences.
At 8X speed I'm hitting the sub-heads.
At 16X speed I'm reading chapter titles.




I like your approach, Jeff. I should try the 4X speed with topic sentences. Thank you!


It depends on whether it is an assigned reading and what type of book it is.

If it is a mystery book I read for leisure, I usually stop reading after gathering enough clues, and take a guess as to whodoneit. Then I skip directly to the end to confirm my guess. I usually do not care why the person did it or how she did it. I just need to know if I guessed it right. It's pretty awful way to read a book, I'd admit, but it's like reading a game-show.

For assigned reading materials, I usually start with the easiest material. I try to figure out why the professor wants us to read the assignment. Am I supposed to be paying attention to something in particular? With this in mind, I would quickly scan the subheadings to see how the argument is organized. Then I will dive into the reading, highlighting lines that I thought are important, and writing my thoughts in the margins.


I used to read more mystery books than I do now for some reason. I wonder if you've found an author who is really hard to guess.

I color-coded all my cases in law school for issues, facts, rules, holding and reasoning. I liked to be able to see what's where.

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