I’ve recently come across the Directory of Free E-Learning Tools created and constantly updated by Jane Hart, Learning & Performance Technologist. It is a great resource for anybody who likes to use technology in training and learning. As of this writing, it lists 581 free tools across various categories, such as Document tools, Web page, blogging & wiki tools, Interactive Content tools, Communication tools, Resource sharing tools, Course, Content & Community tools, Personal tools. Each of these larger categories is subdivided into subcategories that are self-descriptive and easy to search. They cover anything from personal productivity to presentations, note-taking, blogging, widgets and accessories for blogs and web pages. The Directory also provides an alphabetical listing of tools. Each tool has a brief description of its main functions and availability with the link to the product provider. I like how this site is organized. It is very informative and easy to navigate. Plus, you can subscribe to the updates via news feeds. Check it out.