With the approach of the summer, many of you are heading to your first legal internships. Do you remember the first time you looked at the blue ocean glistening in the sun? You are thrilled and mesmerized by its power and magnitude. It’s alluring on a sunny day and frightening when the skies turn dark. The waters are treacherous if you don’t know how to swim, and what you don’t see can hurt you, but swimming in the ocean is exhilarating. Are you ready to swim with the big fish? Here’s is your survival kit.
Law Career Blog describes "Do’s and Don’t’s for Summer Associates" and tells you "What NOT to do as a Summer Associate."
Kathleen J. Wu offers her insights in the article "Rules Summer Associates Should Live By":
“Even if the firm isn't ladling work on your plate, try to find some way to get something substantive out of your time at the office. Everybody knows that law school teaches you next to nothing about the everyday reality of being a lawyer. We learned the law in school, not lawyering. So spend your summer watching lawyers.”
Read “Summer Associates, Settling In” at Law.com for more advice on schmoozing and boozing, as well as deal-making and partaking.
Finally, here's “Law Blog News You Can Use: An Associate Etiquette Lesson” with the focus on table manners.