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June 21, 2007


Andrew Flusche

This is a great list! I definitely agree with your tips, but I haven't passed the bar yet. Hopefully I'll nail it in July!

I love the "I'm a covenant running with the land" myth. It wouldn't surprise me if it did actually happen.


Andrew -
Thanks for dropping by! You'll nail it.
It's funny how these stories go around, but there've probably been quite a few meltdowns during the bar.

Good luck with your studies!


At what point does myth become reality?

Thank you for making me laugh so hard!


I hope they remain myths. I'm all for good laugh! Thanks for stopping by.

Ann K. Levine

Great list! A law professor once told our class "If you worked out everyday during law school, then work out everyday while studying for the bar. If you didn't work out, don't start now!"
I think that fits in nicely with your list.
Also, for bar takers, I would say that right around the first week of July is panic time - you know just enough to be dangerous and you realize how much you have to learn. Just stick with it. The last couple of weeks count too!


Ann -- thank you so much for stopping by and sharing great tips. I couldn't agree more with your advice on how to get over those moments of panic: "Just stick with it." Breathe deeply and keep plugging along.


Great blog. Feel free to add me to your Law Links. I agree with most of your tips. Keep up the good work....


Great post. I just shared it with my followers on Twitter. I agree with everything, but am especially glad you included #4 and #5. Isolation and lack of exercise and sleep are memory and performance killers. Not what anyone wants as they prepare for the bar exam!

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