Most of your interactions, I am sure, are cordial, pleasant and productive. But for those rare occasions when you come face-to-face with a difficult, negative, or annoying person, here’s a blueprint for your actions and reactions.
First of all, how do you spot trouble? Chuck Newton warns of the “Six Personality Types You Should Avoid.” Meet The Loafer, The Weasel, The Bridegroom, The Psycho Killer, The Replicant, and The Future CEO.
What assumptions do you harbor when you develop your relationships with people? Here’s a list of principles that will help you build better relationships from the Lifehack article “Other people are not broken…” by Adrian Savage.
How do you deal with negative people in a positive way? Catherine Pratt offers some tips on “How To Deal With Negative People” at Life With Confidence. Do you know the type who always criticizes everything? I’ve heard of a good neutralizing phrase when you talk to those people. Ask them: “Do you have a better idea?” While you are at Life With Confidence, also check out “How to Kill Fear When Dealing with Aggressive People” by Peter Murphy.
Here’s a secret about annoying people. They are annoying only so long as you let them annoy you. Take that power away from them! The Chief Happiness Officer Alexander Kjerulf tells you “How not to let annoying people annoy you.”
How do you keep your cool?