It’s not all play for summer associates, after all. You will have to do some work, such as research and writing. Here are a few sites to bookmark that will help you develop your research strategy.
LawyerExpress, “designed by a busy lawyer for busy lawyers,” brings you a lot of information in a convenient and customizable format: Here’s how they define their objective:
“Our primary goal at LawyerExpress is to make the Internet worth your while. Toward that end, we've developed great tools to find the "20%" that would be valuable to attorneys. LawyerExpress transforms what can be an inefficient, unruly morass of information into a format that works smarter and faster for busy people.”
Georgetown Law Library connects summer associates to various legal resources. Check out their State Research Guides and Online Tutorials, covering research in statutes, cases, administrative law, secondary sources, and other areas.
Finally, here are tips on summer associate research strategies from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law Library.