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August 24, 2007



Hi, Anastasia. For taking an inventory of your skills (plus aptitudes, values, interests, and more) I recommend _Don't Waste Your Talent: The 8 Critical Steps to Discovering What You Do Best_ by Bob McDonald and Don Hutucheson. (Don is the publisher of _The Complete Lawyer_.)


Oops. That's Hutcheson. Sorry.


Thanks, Stephanie!


Oh, and I also really like James Boyd White's _The Legal Imagination_ and Jack Himmelstein's _Becoming a Lawyer_.

One more (for now): I like what Jeffrey Schwartz and I wrote in the article for law students about a well-rounded life that you linked to here:



It is a great article, Stephanie. Thanks for reminding me, and for additional books. I will eventually pull all the suggestions into one list, so keep'em coming.:)


During law school, I discovered that occasionally--but regularly--reading 17th and 18th Century literary masterpieces had the effect of fine-tuning my legal writing style and provided excellent models of organization and clarity. Henry Fielding's novels (Tom Jones) were particularly beneficial, but the writings of Boswell, Johnson, Addison & Steele, Swift, and Richardson were also helpful. Fielding was a judge, by the way.

I read these authors during law school, not so much the first year, but quite a bit the second and third years, and continued reading them as I concentrated on brief-writing as a specialty for about ten years after a judicial clerkship. I cannot recommend them too highly to both students and lawyers as a preventive measure for avoiding dry legalese.


What better way to learn than from great writers. Thank you very much for your suggestion!

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