Steve Pavlina is writing a series of articles on career development that you may want to check out. Below are just a few excerpts, but please take time to read the articles in full, they will make you think.
From How to Create a Fulfilling Career:
When you succeed in creating a fulfilling career, it will be uniquely you. Your career will absolutely ooze with your own creative self-expression. It may take the external form of a job, a business, a web site, volunteer work, or some other entity, but it will never be generic because you are not a generic person. The right career will be so ridiculously you that if you thought about replacing yourself with someone else, it just wouldn’t make sense.
From Do You Have a Deeply Fulfilling Career?
A fulfilling career is an effective outlet for your creative self-expression that satisfies the following criteria:
- You are sustainably meeting your needs and increasing your ability to meet those needs with greater ease and abundance.
- You are working from your strengths and further developing those strengths into major talents.
- You are doing work you enjoy, and the overall enjoyment you derive from your work is increasing.
- You are making a meaningful positive contribution to others, and that contribution is increasing over time.
From Career Planning:
Just because you can do something and get paid well for it doesn’t mean you should.
From Career and Commitment:
For most people, myself included, enjoying a good career is one of the most important goals in life. But very rarely do people just fall into the career of their dreams. It takes a combination of proactive thought and action. While the steps to get there may require a lot of effort, they’re rarely unknowable or shrouded in mystery. It’s usually just a matter of putting in the time and persisting. If it takes years, it takes years, but delay won’t get you there any sooner.
From Exploring Career Choices:
Exploring is an integral part of any fulfilling career, not merely something you do before making the choice. No career choice is final.
From 2 Mental Blocks to Making Money:
The notion that you generate income by trading value is a simple concept, but it’s amazing how many people still don’t get it.
From Discover Your Strengths:
I suggest you take at least one assessment test to gain clarity about your in-born strengths. Working from your strengths will help you (1) be far more productive, (2) get better results, (3) contribute more value, (4) attract higher compensation, (5) enjoy your work, and (6) experience greater fulfillment.
From The Challenge of Choosing the Right Career:
Once you recognize your mistake, cut your losses and get out as soon as possible. A wrong decision doesn’t become a right decision by pretending. Forgive yourself and move on.
From Career Apathy:
A bad career choice can serve up some major emotional consequences. First comes discontent and dissatisfaction. Next comes frustration and overwhelm. Then comes depression and learned helplessness. And finally you get numbness and apathy.
From You Are Self-Employed:
Even if you seemingly work for someone else, you still work primarily for yourself. You have your own company with one employee — you — and you’re in the business of selling your employee’s labor for profit.