If you are like many overworked and overwhelmed people I know, you probably experience the lack of energy more often that you’d like. I want to offer you an exercise to help you understand your energy flow better. Here’s what you do:
- Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. In the left side column, write down ten things that drain you energy. Think of tasks that leave you exhausted, people that seem to zap your energy, habits that add to your fatigue.
- Now, in the right side column, write down ten things that increase your energy. Think about activities that energize you, people that inspire you and propel you to action, daily routines that help you maintain your health and sanity.
- Once you are done with your lists, draw a bucket that represents your typical 24-hour day. Now fill your bucket with the things from your lists, estimating the percentage of the bucket those things tend to occupy.
- Take a close look at your full bucket. Are you happy with the distribution of energy-producing v. energy-draining activities? If yes, congratulate yourself on the ability to balance your energy well. If you see room for improvement, ask yourself what you would need to re-balance your bucket.