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February 21, 2008



I am currently reading the original book on Raw Diet by Professor Arnold Ehret's "Mucusless Diet Healing System". Because I like the notion of taking in more oxygen from the food sources I relie on & because I know it is a fact that cancer comes first as a oxygen deficient cell that results in a cancer.


Elizabeth -- very interesting. Thanks for sharing this resource.

Self Improvement Tips Free

Elizabeth, sugar is also mitogenic and causes cells to proliferate, so sugar also plays a big role in the development of cancer. Sugar can also supress your immune systems by as much as 50% for 5 hours, makin you more susceptible to disease and infection.

This is something i have been looking alot into lately, being an ex vegetarian and daily juicer i was surprised to find that sugar in fruit is also not very good for you.

I have gone raw a few times (mainly for cleansing) its certaintly is very hard to keep up!

Everything Counts

Optimal health – health that gives one the greatest chance for a long, active, vital life – is much more than simply the absence of disease. It means being the very best you can be. It means not being incapacitated or wasting away physically, physiologically, emotionally or mentally

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