[UPDATE] Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing Frank Felberbaum, the memory expert and author of "The Business of Memory: How to Maximize Your Brain Power and Fast Track Your Career," with Rachel Kranz.
Frank Felberbaum is president of Memory Training Systems, a division of The Felberbaum Consulting Group, Inc., a global company specializing in memory development and brain-power performance strategies. Formerly founder and director of The Memory Training Institute in Geneva, Switzerland, he has implemented his unique memory systems at more than 175 major corporations.
In 1995, Frank Felberbaum represented the United States at the World Memory Olympics in London and was awarded a special medal. From 1997 to the present, he has trained and coached many of the mental athletes who compete at the U.S. Memory Championship held in New York City.
Now, you can listen to his interview and learn how to tap your full memory potential and put your career on the fast track to success.
Most of us forget 85 percent of what we learn within 72 hours. Frank Felberbaum has taught thousands of business people throughout the world, including employees and executives at dozens of Fortune 500® companies how to become more efficient, effective, and powerful on the job by mastering the three basic mental functions behind memory:
• Paying attention: How to be a better observer and stay focused in the era of multitasking.
• Visualizing: How to create mental movies that help retain information by telling stories.
• Associating: How to link newly acquired information to familiar experiences, which are easily recalled.
You can listen to the interview via web at:
To download the audio recording of the interview:
The guiding principle that should drive your every decision is the law of focus. Everything you think, say and do is taking you closer to or further away from it, therefore it must be your key decision making criteria.
Posted by: Everything Counts | June 08, 2009 at 06:45 AM