Do you consider yourself a "control freak"? If so, you may have trouble managing your personalRunners energy and tend to burn out faster, according to a study by Dr. Danit Ein-Gar of Tel Aviv University's Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration:
Dr. Ein-Gar suggests that shifting the mindset can help the self-identified "control freaks" keep their energy tanks full. The idea is to think like a marathon runner: start slow and pace yourself. Having an advance warning of upcoming challenges also helps to transition into the marathon mindset. Therefore, managers should prepare employees for a particularly difficult workload to help them better manage their energy and prevent burnout.In new experiments and surveys, Dr. Ein-Gar found that people who define themselves as high in self-control are in fact the least able to manage their own internal resources in situations which are very important to them. They burn out quickly when flooded with unexpected challenges.