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April 22, 2010


Giulietta the Muse

Hi Anastasia,

Hope all is well! Saw you on my Twitter stream and decided to stop in and say hello. Thanks for this great exercise. Tick-Tock. Makes a lot of sense. How do we get the world to do it as well?

Thanks. Giulietta, Inspirational Rebel


Thanks so much for stopping by, Giulietta! It's great to hear from you. Keep inspiring our inner rebels!

Jason Smith of Sharpen Your Memory

Great site!

Contrary to the belief of many people that sharpening your memory takes a lot of time and effort, you don't have to be a genius to quickly know, understand, and recall what you have read or learned.

It doesn't matter whether you're 92 years old or just 12, anyone is capable of memorizing and recalling virtually any information possible. However, you must have the proper lifestyle, attitude, habits, and methods to possess a super memory.

Then take a look at Powerful Ways to Sharpen Your Memory

Danny DeMichele Entrepreneur

I think people relate selfishness as evil, because people are social by nature and we've built our society around the need to interact and rely on others.

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