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November 30, 2006


yatish gandhi

actually i am going to appear for 12th xams in feb but till now i have not compeleted 30% of my studies
so i need your help
you please guide me what should i do no i order to get atleast 75% marks
please i seriously need your help


I'd say you need a new realistic plan to see how much you must do each day to get yourself as prepared as you can in terms of reading, reviewing and practice. Then stick to this new plan. Make sure you get enough breaks between studies and good sleep because that's when our brain forms memories of what we learn during the day. Use associations, mnemonics, pictures to better remember the material (you can find examples of how to do it on this blog). Condense everything into summaries/outlines of the most essential points and review them periodically as you go. Good luck!


good one it helped me a lot!!!!


hii i am preparing for my lectureship exam which will be on Dec 24th. There's a lot and LOT to study and I'm sure that I have not yet reached even at the brim of it. but I wanna clear at least in the first two papers (they are only of objective type questions)Since I'm getting one more chance to write this exam, I thought of studying for the third paper next time...Is my decision right? please help me..

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